tirsdag 2. november 2010

Patrick Süskind - Perfume

Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer is a novel written by Patrick Süskind in 1985

The book is set in the 18th century, and it is telling the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille; The fishmonger's bastard. He was born with a lack of an personal odour, in 1783, and he had a hard childhood.
His mother was killed right after she gave birth to him, outside on the fishermarked. But he had something noeone else had, an incomparable sense of smell. He became an apprentice for a famous perfumer and turned out to be extremly good at his work. But Jean-Baptiste wasen't exacly a good boy. He murdered over twenty five girls to take their scent.

I liked the book, a lot. It was a bit diffircult to read, and sometimes I didn't understand what I was reading about. I liked the way the author writes, in a bit witty way, but at the same time deadly serious. He intoxicates the reader, and gives the book a bit grotesque cover.

I like the way the author describes the community and the surroundings around hygiene in the 18th century. The book begins with:

"The streets stank of manure, the cortyard of urine, the stairwells stank of mouldering wood and rat droppings (......) People stank of sweat and unwashed clothes; from their mouths came the stench of rotting teeth, from their bellies that of onions, and from their bodies, if they were no longer very young, came the stench of raniced cheese and sour milk and tumorous disease"

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille:

Seems like a confused and abnormal person. Ofcourse his childhood shaped him and gave him his personality. He is obsessed with smells, and can't get enough of it.
He searches for the perfect scent, by stalking and murdering virgins.

Laure Richis:
A beautiful, young, red-headed girl. She is the daughter of Antoine Richis, who is the second consult and the richest man in Grasse. Laure's scent is the fragrance of Grenouille's dreams
Guiseppe Baldini:
Is an old perfumer. He owns a perfume shop, with a huge amount of scents. He takes on Grenouille as an apprentice and teaches him how to create lovely perfumes. Baldini gets rich of the perfumes that Grenouille makes for him.
The book became a movie in 2006.

torsdag 12. november 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

The movie is about a young boy, named Jamal, who wins a tv-show called "Would you like to be a millionaire?".
I think this was a great movie. The music, the screenplay and the characters created a fantastic movie. I especially liked the way they brought out the poverty of India. I think it is good that they used an issue like that, combined with love and hate. They chose a non- typical theme for the movie.

I also liked that the movie was a bit different from other movies. Other than that the movie was great, the acters did a great job as well. I think Dev Patel used his character very well. He managed to show us who watched the movie, which person Jamal was. Jamal was a very shy person, honest and brave. Jamal could do anything for his only love Latika, and that touched us viewers very much. I think Salim, was a very good character too.

torsdag 5. november 2009

Perth. 09.10.09

I arrived at the airport around 09.00 a.m. I was too exited to go to bed, so I just went to the hotel, ate som food and got out a map and a compass. I wanted to explore the city on my own this time, not with some guide bus.

Originally Perth was located for the safe inland position during colonial times. The area around the city, had extreme meaning for the Aborigines.

I went to see kings park and botanic gardens. That is made up of 400 hectares of parkland and gardens and is Perth's most popular tourist attraction. It is located just outside the city centre. And the park has breathtaking views over the city and swan river.

I was done with the park, and thought about seeing some historic attractions. Like the barracks, that were used to hous enrolled penisoner guards and their familys in the mid late 1800s. It was really exciting!

Perth was beautiful, and autumn in Perth is just like an extension of summer :)

I really enjoyed my Australia trip, and will always remember the beautiful things I have explored :)


Canberra. 08.10.09

I arrived at Canberra international airport, five a.m. I was driven directly to the hotel, where I fell asleep five minutes after I came in the door. I used the morning to eat a special breakfast on my porch. For breakfast I was served fish with rice. Dinner for breakfast!

I was thinking about a trip to Canberra nature park, National museum of Australia and Captain Cook memorial jet. The nature park trip went into the bush. I spotted kangoroos, koalas and many, many bugs.... All in all it was a beautiful park!

I took the bus into the city, and stopped for some food. I asked about a dish that could be made quickly, and then I was thrown something they called a "wendy's" in my hands. It was quiet in Canberra, beautiful, magnificent! And a trip to Captain Cook memorial Jet made it all better. It looked like a fake geysir, a water stream that splashed up into the air. Very beautiful too look at. The jet can reach up to 147 meters, quite amazing. The jet was invented by Queen Elizabeth the second i 1970.

I took the bus into the city, again, and it was time for the National museum of Australia. It was absolutlig BRILLIANT! It was the masterpiece of masterpiece all over! The museum itself was very interessting, and when the dark came along, it let a dark "carpet" over the museum.

The evening came on, and I went into the dining room for a last meal in beautiful Canberra. I ate a excellent squid.

The day afterwards I was going to take the trip to Perth!

Hobart. 07.10.09!

It took a very long time travelling to Australia. Over ten hours! I finally got to the airport, sat down and waited for my luggage. I can remember how warm Hobart was, compared to Norway. Even thou it was autumn, there where 34 degrees in the air. But the cold wind made it a bit better.

Hobart is the capital of the Australian island, Tasmania. Tasmania was founded in 1803, as a penal colony. A penal colony is a settlement used back in the old days, to exile prisoners from the population. Hobart is one of the oldest capitals in Australia, after Sydney. It's always very warm here in Hobart, they rarely get snow in the winter. Imagine that! Christmas without snow can't be a good thing.

I decided to start my day, by taking a trip to Hobart's Port Arthur historic site. That has been Tasmania's most visited tourist attraction for the past several years. On Port Arthur historic site you can tour the ruins of the penal settlement. They say that there are ghosts touring there at night!

It was very interessting visiting Port Arthur, but I was so tired when I got back from the trip so I took a shopping trip at a mall before I went strait to bed.

I went to bed after an amazing day!

torsdag 29. oktober 2009

The first part of Australia!

Hello there.

My journey has just begun, starting exploring the magnificent Australia!

When I started packing my belongings I have to admit that I had some second thougts about the journey. But the trip was amazing!

Here is my travelling route:

I started on The Tasmanian Island, where I visited Hobart.
After The Tasmanian Island came a visit to Canberra, the capital of Australia.
I saved Perth to the end.

tirsdag 29. september 2009

English Homework due Wednesday september 30th

* Point of view can mean different things. The first thoughts that popps up in my mind is your meaning. Or something you see from your sight. For example in a fight, who should you give the blame? The first person comes up to you and tells his version of the story. Then it is from his point of view.
*The word concord is used in a context when people usually agree on something. The word concord means that you come toghether on something or reach agreement.

*Adjectives is used to discribe something, like "The shoe was very blue", or "His face turned red like blood". But an adverb is used to describe something you do. For example "The singer is singing terribly loud", or "Peter slept for a long time".

* Characterisation from the short story "Mennesker på kafé":

The man seems like a lonely person.
He wants so bad that somebody should say something to him, or talk to him. At least pick up his wallet.
He has a lot of thougts. Every sentence in the story, is deep described.
He seems like a bit old, maybe he is not used to the way people behave in this kind of days.