* Point of view can mean different things. The first thoughts that popps up in my mind is your meaning. Or something you see from your sight. For example in a fight, who should you give the blame? The first person comes up to you and tells his version of the story. Then it is from his point of view.
*The word concord is used in a context when people usually agree on something. The word concord means that you come toghether on something or reach agreement.
*Adjectives is used to discribe something, like "The shoe was very blue", or "His face turned red like blood". But an adverb is used to describe something you do. For example "The singer is singing terribly loud", or "Peter slept for a long time".
* Characterisation from the short story "Mennesker på kafé":
The man seems like a lonely person.
He wants so bad that somebody should say something to him, or talk to him. At least pick up his wallet.
He has a lot of thougts. Every sentence in the story, is deep described.
He seems like a bit old, maybe he is not used to the way people behave in this kind of days.
hahah, Peter slept for a long time, den likt æ (Y)